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Google Cloud Identity

Easily manage users, devices, and apps from one console


1 year, 8 months


UX Designer, Google Workspace


March, 2018


Cloud Identity offers customers a single platform for security, lifecycle, SSO, app and device management.

I designed the sign up experience and app management experience for the launch of Google Cloud Identity. I also worked on a small team that created the north star design framework for the future of identity management in the cloud.

App whitelist


IT admins have to go to multiple places to managed users, apps, and devices for their organization.


Secure company data on cloud apps while also allowing employees to access the apps they need on any device.


I pitched a vision for a consistent app management experience across all app types and ran a design sprint with engineers, product managers, and designers to align on the first milestone for the project. The challenge was getting different stakeholders with different app management offerings to agree on a path to unify the experience for our users. We researched the prototype I created in the sprint with users and iterated our designs based on feedback. The research also helped support our hypothesis that users preferred to go to one place to manage all of their apps.

The new experience launched in October of 2020.

app management homepage

The Outcome

Launching Cloud Identity provided thousands of companies with a way to manage cloud applications. This became more crucial than ever during Covid-19. Employees had to access their work from home and companies had to find a secure way to manage company data on these apps. We were able to launch features like Context Aware Access that built ontop of Cloud Identity and allowed admins to provision apps to their employees at home based a set of rules.

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